Friday, November 27, 2015

RPF Constables Solved Papers

1. The pole star is a part of the constellation - Ursa Minor

2. What is a “Zero Base Budgeting”? - Preparation of new budget' every time

3. Indian Planning Commission was constituted in - 1950

4. The constitution of India is - Partly rigid and partly flexible

5. Hypermnesia is - An exceptional power of memory

6. Chocolates can be bad for health because of a high content of - Nickle

7. Which of the following is the particle anti­particle pair? - Electron, position

8. Light from the nearest star (other than the sun) reaches the earth in - 4.2 years

9. The boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated by - Sir Cyril Radcliffe

10. The atoms of elements in the same group must have the same - Number of electrons in valence shell

11. Which of the following would be most suitable for making an electromagnet? - Soft iron

12. Cinnabar is an ore of - Mercury

13. The salary and allowances of the governor are charged to - The consolidated fund of the state

14. Beta rays are - High-speed electrons

15. The largest part of most diets is made up of - Carbohydrates

16. Echoes are produced due to - Refraction of sound

17. The country with the highest density is - Bangladesh

18. The most abundant source of iron is - Green vegetables

19. The power to prorogue the Lok Sabha rests with - The President

20. The tests normally descend into the scrotum about - The time of birth

21. The Directive Principles of State Policy are - Non -Justiciable

22. What is “Stagflation”? - Inflation with depression

23. The Famous Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien visited India during the reign of - Chandra Gupta II

24. The type of mirror used in the headlamps of cars is the - Parabolic concave mirror

25. Who of the bhakti saints of South India was a man but felt himself in a feminine relationship towards his God? - Nammalvar

26. A plant cell is distinguished from an animal cell by the presence of - Chloroplasts

27. The responsibility for the recruitment of All India Services rests with - The Union Public Service Commission

28. The Main objective of TRYSEM was - To train rural youth for self employment

29. Adhoc Judges can be appointed in the Supreme Court - By the Chief Justice of India with the Prior consent of the President

30. Triple vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize it against - Whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria

31. The council of ministers is collectively responsible to - The Parliament

32.The Prime Minister is the chairman of - The Planning Commission

33. When the velocity of a body is doubled, its - Mementum is doubled­

34. Money bills can be introduced in the state legislature with the Prior consent of - The Governor

35. The element which forms the largest number of compounds with hydrogen is - Carbon

36. The heaviest among the inner planets is the - Earth

37. In which plan was the growth rate target exceeded? - First

38. A very rapid growth in prices in which money loses its value to the point where even barter may be preferable is known as - Hyper-inflation

39. Ramanuja Preached - Bhakti

40. The substance present in good amounts in the sea and administered in certain deficiency diseases is - Iodine

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