Monday, November 2, 2015

Railway Group D Question 27-10-2013: Railway Group D Answer Key for RRC Delhi

  • Tides are Primarily a result of the - Attraction of the moon
  • Who invented 'Telegraph' ? - Samuel Morse
  • Aishwarya Oil Field is located in which state of India ? - Rajasthan
  • Hugo Chavez was the president of which country ? - Venezuela
  • The body Fight infections with the help of - Immune System
  • The word 'Buddha' means - an enlightened one
  • To correct his vision, a person suffering from short-sightedness will have to use - Concave lens
  • Ram wants to bite into an apple. Which type of teeth will he use ? - Incisors
  • Who won the Champions Trophy 2013 ? - India
  • Caterpillar is a ? - Larva
  • The Larger Producer of Saffron in India ? - Jammu and Kashmir
  • Vinegar, very commonly used in Chinese food, is actually - Acetic acid
  • Which is the largest freshwater lake in India ? - Wular
  •  To correct his vision, a person suffering from short-sightedness will have to use - Concave lens
  • Aishwarya Oil Field is located in which state of India ? - Rajasthan
  •  Ibn Batuta, the famous Arab scholar visited India during the reign of - Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
  •  Cub is baby animal related to - (Tiger, Bear, Lion)
  •  Newton's First law is, the law of - Force
  • The Grand Trunk road was originally built by - Sher Shah
  • Who won the Best Actor Award for the film Paan Singh Tomar ? - Irfan Khan
  • Who among the following is an Olympic Medal Winner ? - Saina Nehwal
  • Where is the famous Pinjore Garden situated ? - Chandigarh
  • Which of the following is a fungal disease ? - Ringworm
  • Which city is called 'City of Nawabs' ? - Lucknow
  • If you have the option to bye a refrigerator with 1 star, 3 star and 5 star rating given by BEE then which one you will prefer ? - 5 Star
  • Which of the following is a fish ? - Whale
  • LED, CRT, LCD are the names related to different types of - Monitor
  • Who was the court poet of Harshavardhana ? - Banabhatta
  • What name is given to the soil brought by the rivers ? - Alluvial Soil
  • What is operation Flood ?- a mission programme of production and distribution of milk
  • If someone is injured in an accident and broken his Knee joint then she needs to consult ? -Orthopedic
  •  Which of the following award is given to recognize outstanding achievements in sports ? - Arjun Award
  • Electric fuse wire is made of alloys because alloys - Have high melting point
  • In which year was the First Battle of Panipath fought ? - 1526 A.D.
  • Which state has the Highest Population in India ? - Uttar Pradesh
  • Formic acid is a large component of - Ant venom
  • Microsoft Office does not include ? - Android
  •  The Correct Combination among the question is - (Rafel Nadal-  Tennis, Neymar - Football)
  •  As per the annual ranking published in March 2013, by prestigious business magazine Forbes, who is the richest Indian ? - Mukesh Ambani
  • Who was the Tenth Guru of Sikhs ? - Guru Govind Singh
  •  Which freedom fighter suffered fatal injuries during a demonstration against Simon Commission ?-Lala Lajpat Rai
  • The temple situated near Pushkar lake in Rajasthan is related to ? - Lord Brahma
  • Which unfortunate event took place in the year 1919 ? - Jalianwala Bagh massacre
  •  Whoo is the chairman of Rajyasabha ? - President
  • Calcium is constituent element of - Marble
  •  "Rajtarangini" written by Kalhan is- A History of Kashmir
  • The term 'bull' and 'bear' are used in - Stock Exchange
  •  The group of substance that can burn easily are ? - Ans: (coal, alcohol, paper)
  • Which of the following is a classical dance from North India ? - kathak
  •  Name of the Longest Train route in India ? - Vivek Express
  •  The member of parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) has been hiked to - 5 Crore per annum
  • Where did Industrial revolution take place ? - England
  • Use of disposable syringes is usually advised to prevent - AIDS
  • DNA stands for - Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
  •  Which of the following name is not associated wit painting ? - K. L. Saigal
  • Name of the city which hosts the literary festival (Largest in Asia pacific) ? - Jaipur
  • 'Cue ball, break shot, Pool table' are terms associated with which games ? - Billiards
  • Hugo Chavez was the president of which country ? - Venezuela
  • Which of the following is a "Fire and Forget" anti-tank missile ?- Nag
  • Which of the following is not a sensory organ ? - Brain
  • Which Mughal emperor took the  title of Alamgir ? - Aurangjeb
  • common salt that we eat everyday contains - Sodium and chloride
  •  Which of the following festival is associated with full moon day ? - Holi
  • (option- Gandak  Yamuna  Gomti  Ghagra)  Ans: Gomti
    Which among the following rivers joins the Ganga from south ?
  •  Which Sultan of Delhi shifted his capital from Delhi to Daultabad ?  - Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
  •  Sri Pranab Mukharjee was elected as MP from which places before becoming the president of India ?- Jangipur
  •  Sarojini Naidu became the Governor of which state ? - Uttar pradesh
  •  Which country is separated from British India by the Durand Line ? - Afghanistan

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